Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can anyone help me with advice on hunting?

I have been reading about the Masai Mara tribe in Africa and how as an initiation into manhood the males of the tribe will have to kill a lion, armed only with a spear. I don't live in Africa but thought I could try the same thing with a Brown Bear, can anyone give me any tips or advice on how best to achieve the kill, thanks :)Can anyone help me with advice on hunting?
cold steel used to make an excellent hunting spear. Not designed for throwing, rather it was reminiscent of the old style boar or bear spear that was used to let the charging animal impale itself on. It featured the mandatory cross guard just above the over length spear tip to prevent the animal from running right on up the spear shaft to reach the ';hunter';. Royalty in europe used these with varying success on bears. Sometimes the bear got under the spear and it was all over for the hunter.

Should you try this on a Kodiak brown bear? Um, NO!!

Even if you managed to impale the bear charging you, it's massive weight would allow it to continue the charge and end your spear hunting safari rather quickly.

As for throwing a spear at a brown bear, well, not only would you then be ';un armed';, but you would be facing a very angry killing machine. And just for point of interest, the Masai tribesman didn't kill it single handed. The only actual footage I have seen was of a group of tribesman all throwing spears into the lion at the same time, and carrying extra spears to continue the fight till the lion was down, then using even more spears to pin it down while it's throat was cut.

so, to answer your question, ';can anyone give me tips or advice?'; Yes, DON'T TRY IT!! ;0)

shoot safeCan anyone help me with advice on hunting?
I'm not sure how determined you are but that is probably more dangerous than jumping off a five story building. Brown bears are the most powerful animals on land pound for pound in North America. Very few people have been attacked and lived to talk about it. I recommend you find a less dangerous animal and then dog run the animal towards you with about a five or 6 foot spear.
a lion is much easier to kill than a bear with a spear order to kill a bear with a spear you will have to go into his cave in the winter, hunters who used to do this went in bands of three to i wouldnt suggest goin in alone, you could always try to bait and trap it outside with smaller things, like a rabbit or some fish and make sure they can for sure sent the blood from the animals or fish. but watch your *** they can be quiet.

and you only have one chance to do this, when the bear approches you and is comming in for attack, u must use his own weight to kill him, and you cannot hesitate make him fall on your spear... but if you really want to do that you can not hesitate because he will be comming in extreamly fast, fater than you think, if you are not in shape and dont have decent genitics, i wouldnt even consider trying what you are thining about because you may still have a fight on your i said it is much harder to kill a bear with a spear than i lion, and those africans hunt in bands of groups
Rent the movie ';The Edge'; Anthony Hopkins kills a Kodiak using a spear. Then again its hollywood lol. I`ll be looking for the headlines in the newspapers. Could you wear a helmet cam when you do this? It`s a win win situation, you get eaten we`ll get to see you inside the bear, you kill the bear with the spear you`ll have proof. I`d also wear a dog tag or an ID braclet made of metal, so they can identify which pile of poop you are.
you put a trash can of in the woods with bacon grease and other trash because that attracts bears and then you climb into a tree stand near by (don't hunt on the ground for bear very dangerous). you just sit and wait to you see a bear then make sure you shoot it behind its front shoulder and then after you hit it wait for about an hour then go follow the blood trail.

make sure you use a high power rifle
First get life insurance, ensuring there is no exclusion for suicide, then take your pointy stick, a video camera and an E-perb. First find a bear then activate the E-perb and begin recording on the camera (this way someone will be able to find the camera later) then poke bear with pointy stick, simple.
Why don't you ask one from the tribe? They are the real safari hunters. Forget the ones that gotten eaten or chased off.

What's next after learning that? Kill a shark with a butter knife, get a croc with chopsticks or capture a boa with a spoon. You guys sure do funny things!
Why yes.... (another excellent question on Yahoo answers!!!)

This should be a very meaningful initiation into manhood for you. There's a lot of large vessels in the neck - I'd poke em there.....

Wear something tasteful and appropriate for the occasion.
don't do it, are you crazy!! the bear will kill you do you understand, a bear's a lot tougher then you, so don't try it, please.
Sure, just don't let the Brown Bear ever, ever, ever see you.

Oh, and bring a big a$$ gun with you.
Good Luck using a spear against a Brown Bear you will be more better using a 44 mag or any High powered gun.

Forget about the Spear approach.* Bad Idea.*
Forget it..... The bear is faster and stronger than you.......

Your death may be considered a suicide.....
Cover yourself in cyanide. That way after the bear eats you, which it will, it'll die too.
Funny. Tranquilize one first with a dart gun, then sneak up on it and stab it about 50 times.
if you try what you suggest you will have a new life as a pile of bear turds
Dude if you are serious I want to watch so record it and put in on the net ok.
Buy a gun, get a guide.

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