Monday, August 23, 2010

What 2 peices of advice would you give Lula de Silva to help Brazil become more Earth-Friendly?

Also IF YOU WANT 10 POINTS, how do people in Brazil use their natural resources, such as gold, nickel, uranium, etc?What 2 peices of advice would you give Lula de Silva to help Brazil become more Earth-Friendly?
Great part of the Brazilian resources mainly the gold was stolen by English. Brazil produced so much gold that the quotation of the silver was larger than the one of the gold. The reliquary of the Catholic colonial Brazilian churches is made of silver and not of gold, because the silver was more valuable than the gold. Brazil produced so much diamonds that exist cities and even areas denominated of Diamantina. We have a State called Minas Gerais (General Mine), in that place happened a fact historical call Derrama (SPILLS), English invaded the houses of the residents and they had removed everything that they had wanted gold and diamonds. When they were not English, they were French and also the Dutchmen, all remove what were able of Brazil.

President Lula was a metallurgist that was always promoting strikes for better wages, he lived his life in an of the largest cities of the planet (S茫o Paulo) for him a chimney expelling smoke to generate 10 jobs is more important than a forest with 1000 animals, hoist for him is good to do board, to make him change in way of thinking is not easy.What 2 peices of advice would you give Lula de Silva to help Brazil become more Earth-Friendly?
Suicide for him and eutanasia for his followers.

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